The PetWave (PEMF Healthpad included)

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The ideal device to treat your pet – and also horses – as it is an effective device due to its size and portability.

The PetWave is specially designed for our beloved furry children. The PetWave is a proper Wave Rife Resonator with a built-in booster to run the attached Healthpad.

The Healthpad is an electromagnetic mat that creates a healthy radiant energy​ field in a vortex about ​15 inches around the mat. It is ideal for animals to lay on or just be close to. It is covered with waterproof vinyl on one side and durable fabric on the other side.

Pets love the Healthpad, and in​ the case of horses, the Healthpad can be placed between the saddle and the saddle cloth (numnah), with the PetWave resonator hanging in a saddlebag attached to the saddle.

The PetWave offers a wide variety of treatments for canine, feline, and equine species, as well as feathered species like budgies​ and parrots, and even ​poultry!


Wave Technologies has been involved with the development and distribution (since 1999) of high-tech, accurate, effective, easy-to-operate resonators at very affordable prices. Thanks to the experience and expertise gained over the years we have now the reputation as the resonator manufacturer that constantly offers more value for less money, than any of our competitors.


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